Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Trailer!!

dun dun dun!

This is the trailer that Captain John and his sons lived in for at least three years. It was too old, rotted and moldy to refurbish, so we take it apart and sell it for scrap!
I could almost hear it taunting us!

I kept hearing that music from Jaws!
The door was the hardest part to get had glue and screws holding it I grabbed my tool of choice...a crowbar, which my wife was calling a Mississippi hammer because I was using it with both hands to hammer the crap out of that trailer, as well as pry and poke!

But the door could not defeat me!!

I know that in the back of all our minds we were thinking that a hurricane could have taken this place down in minutes, instead of the two and a half days it took us.

What they couldn't sell or recycle, they threw on the burn pile!

Trailer? What trailer!

Picked it clean to the bone like a Christmas Turkey!!

That Christmas stocking was amidst the clutter inside the trailer, so we hung it there because...what better gift than to be rid of this painful reminder.

And God bless us, everyone!
This really is one of the most meaningful pictures that I took. I can't even describe how it makes me feel!


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