Saturday, November 28, 2009

Giving Thanks

For nine days of the year my parents were the same age. Then, on November 30th, Mom would jump ahead. She would have been 86.

And, like my Dad, I thank God for my Mom each and every day, and I miss the heck out of her!

There was this great contrast in my parents…while Dad was silly and outgoing, Mom was quiet, reserved, almost shy. She was happy to be at home reading or working in the garden, but, like Dad, she was very creative and talented, but in a quieter way. She would knit and crochet these amazingly intricate afghans, and in later years she crocheted blankets and hats for the newborns at Dominican hospital.

Mom was calm, practical and pretty rational, which is hard to do when you’re raising four kids! She was a great audience for me when, as a kid, I would try comedy routines and jokes out on her.

Of course, around the holidays you tend to get a little misty eyed when thinking of loved ones who have passed. At Christmas I think more of Dad because that was his favorite holiday…he was like a kid himself…he loved all the decorations and the music, and especially the family gathered around the table with lots of wonderful homemade food!

Mom I miss most around Thanksgiving, because that was her big day. Nobody put on a better Thanksgiving spread than Mom, and her stuffing was the best in the world…(now I know you could try and tell me that your Mom’s or your Grandma’s stuffing was the best…but that couldn’t possibly be…’cause my Mom’s was THE best! )

With both these holidays and both their birthdays all so close together, it makes for a long month! And though I feel those tears welling up when I think of them (like right now), they are less tears of sadness, as they are tears of joy! I rejoice every time I think of Mom and Dad…I am so happy that there were enough similarities in their personalities to attract them to each other, and enough differences to make it really exciting and interesting for 48 years!!

I really did get all the best of both my parents…the creative, outgoing, comedic side of my Dad, which allows me to go out and entertain and do what I do… and the creative, reserved, practical side of my Mom, which allows me to go out and entertain and do what I do…without getting arrested!

Thanks Mom!


Your Son

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